
Understanding "the Turn"

children trust turn May 22, 2019

By Doug Snyder

As a first-time grandpa, the most endearing memory is that of my granddaughter exploring the world around her, turning, whirling in wide-eyed wonder. No concern. No worry. No anxiety. No fear. Just exploring. Trusting. Learning.

Grandpa and grandma are quick to the rescue when a foreseen action warrants. Sometimes we rescue and rescue and…rescue. 

Frankly, that’s a lot like God with me. The older I grow, the more I see God like a gentle grandfather, lovingly enjoying his grandchildren.

Is God more an angry Father or loving Grandfather to you?

I used to think of God as an angry father. Repent meant “turn from your enjoyable season of sin to the stale existence of Christian self-denial.” Repent meant an intense finger-wagging scolding, like an old-time evangelist in fever pitched convulsion, or, the angry furrow-browed adult, warning wrong-doers.

Yes, I do believe sin separates us from God. I believe in evil, a devil, and hell. Yet, I...

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